What’s missing from your COVID-19 business communications?

What’s missing from your COVID-19 business communications?

In this time of uncertainty revolving around COVID-19, businesses and organizations of all kinds need to keep communications in the forefront as they navigate through the next several weeks.


Keep these thoughts in mind as you move forward.


Be open and transparent. We are all in this together and if you want to convey that as an organization, being open and transparent is goal number one.


Be responsive. You obviously want to provide accurate information, but being responsive in times like these is incredibly important, too.


Communicate with your people and their families first. They are your number one concern. You want them to feel like they are being communicated with often and taken care of. If that happens, they will give their best to you as an organization.


Take care of your customers. Any successful business takes care of the people that keep the revenue coming in. But in times like these, over-communication and providing various channels of communication is key to keeping those people happy. There is never too much communication with a situation like this.


At some point, light-heartedness will be needed. At this point in the early stages of COVID-19, funny memes and other attempts of humor are discouraged. But as time goes on, don’t forget that we are all human and need a laugh from time to time to make us feel better.


No blaming or shaming. This is more of a personal thought for you to consider. I’m all for communicating what we should or should not do in times of crisis. But please don’t blame or shame people who are following you. Communicate facts and make suggestions if you must, but don’t blame or shame. We are all in this together. Let’s be kind.


We are currently working with several clients – big and small – on their marketing communications and related responses to this crisis. If you feel you need some guidance or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at grafeedie@tellyourstoryinc.com or 847.921.2925.