I am happy announce that Tell Your Story has added to our full-time team and now have THREE full time team members. As you may know, we are lean, nimble and flexible. But growing. We still want to stay lean and mean, and that means using a combination of full-time and dedicated contractor resources to help tell the great stories of the clients we serve.
Joining us today is Laura Cunningham, who has worked with Tell Your Story almost since our inception and worked with me back to my days at Baxter Healthcare and HSR Business to Business (now gyro). More on Laura later, but we welcome her to the full-time team. She joins us as a Senior Account Manager.
I am also very proud to announce the promotion of Amanda Pollard to Senior Public Relations & Social Media Manager. Amanda has been with Tell Your Story since June 2011 and has rocked it! She has helped us and our clients take the integration of traditional PR and social media to the next level.