Crisis Communications in Senior Living: A Marketer’s Guide to Navigating the Storm

Crisis Communications in Senior Living: A Marketer’s Guide to Navigating the Storm

Today’s seniors are pioneers of science, medicine, psychology, civil rights and so much more. And for the first time in U.S. history older adults are projected to outnumber children by 2035[1]

To keep up, the senior living industry has seen phenomenal growth, with annual revenue increasing from $78.2 billion in 2016 to $94.2 billion in 2023[2]. At Tell Your Story, we’ve been privileged to work with several leading brands in the senior living industry, helping them to grow their brand and increase resident population. While marketing in senior living focuses on showcasing vibrant communities and quality care, the reality is that the senior living industry is inherently vulnerable to crisis.

As marketers in the senior living industry, we understand the importance of building trust and maintaining a positive reputation. However, even the most well-prepared communities can face unexpected crises. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a health outbreak, or a negative news story, knowing how to effectively communicate during a crisis is essential to protecting your residents, staff, and brand.

Key Strategies for Crisis Communication

The inherent thing about crises is that you never know when they are going to strike or how long of a “tail” they may have. The global COVID-19 pandemic has been an ongoing crisis for the senior living industry. Communities faced outbreaks and visitor restrictions, and are still affected in 2024 by lingering staffing shortages and low occupancy rates due to the age-at-home trend spurred by the pandemic. In another example, when Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas and U.S. in 2019, senior living communities faced immediate and swift evacuations, power outages, and property damage.

No matter the size or scale of an unexpected event, effective crisis communication can prevent rumors and misinformation from spreading, and demonstrate commitment to resident and staff well-being. Handling a crisis well can enhance a senior living community’s image as a responsible and caring provider.

1. Pre-Crisis Planning:

  • Develop a crisis communication plan before an event occurs: Consider all possible crisis scenarios, organize them into tiers relative to the severity of the possible crisis. Identify key stakeholders, communication channels, and spokespeople.
  • Train staff: Ensure your team knows their roles and responsibilities during a crisis, including who is and who is not allowed to speak on behalf of the company.
  • Prepare templates: Have pre-written statements and social media posts ready to be adapted for specific situations.

2. During the Crisis:

  • Act quickly: Respond promptly to the crisis with a clear and concise statements. The longer you wait to release a statement, the more time rumors and misinformation have to spread.
  • Be transparent: Share accurate and up-to-date information, even if it’s not positive. Be open and honest about challenges.
  • Regular Communication: Frequent communication with residents, families, and staff about safety protocols, updates, etc.Show empathy: Acknowledge the impact the crisis is having on your community and offer support.
  • Control the narrative: Use all available communication channels to share your story and prevent misinformation. Use technology to facilitate virtual press conferences, updates to families, or communication with loved ones.

3. Post-Crisis:

  • Evaluate your response: Review your communication efforts and identify areas for improvement. Make necessary changes to your crisis communication plan based on lessons learned. There WILL be a “next time,” so prepare now.
  • Communicate recovery efforts: Share information on a regular basis about how your community is rebuilding and moving forward.


Crises are an inevitable part of doing business, and even more is on the line with senior living, dealing with a vulnerable population. But with a well-thought-out crisis communication plan, you can protect your residents, staff, and reputation. Remember, transparency, empathy, and timely communication are key to navigating any storm.

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